Columbus Alive! "Inspiration Through Balance" 06/12/14
Me Nobody Knows "How to sleep with a Street Artist" 11/04/10
Wikipedia "David DeRosa" 01/10
Little Miss Writer "Portrait of the Artist as Philosopher" 08/09
Progressive Life & Style "The Art & Photo Issue" Issue #4 06/08 "Smart Culture" By Dusty Wright 06/07
Salt Lake City Weekly "24 seven" 05/31/07
Art Rocks! ( 06/07
California Modern Art Gallery 05/07
OvaHere "Best of the Bay Area Party" By Tony Wodark 07/06
Art Business "Best of the Bay Area party" By Alan Bamberger 06/06
SF Gate "David DeRosa @ Red Ink Studios" By Matt Petty 04/18/06
Art Business "Resident Ink" By Alan Bamberger 01/06
NY ARTS Magazine "Tips and picks Directory" 01- 02/ 06
Yelp (real people, real reviews) By Phil M. 01/23/ 06
MSN Travel "Hotel room or art exhibit?" By Kate Sekules 12/05
Juxtapoz "Labyrinth" 09 / 05
Art MOCO - "Modern Contemporary Art" 08/03/05
Epicenter "New Art Goes Old School" By Kai Ma 05 / 05
BPM "Headgames" By Suzanne Ashe 05 / 05
Gamepro "Video Game Art Show" By Arty Flufkin 05 / 05
Josh Spear "The Pulse of Cool" 04 / 22 / 05
Mesh Magazine "Low Cost, High Concept" By Kendra MacLeod 09.21.04
Inside City Limits Aired: 01/05/05 at 9pm & 01/06/05 at 8pm
7x7 "Art Addicts Anonymous" 11 / 04
EyeOn "Validation Part One" By Anthony R. Grant 10/25/04
The Examiner "The Hip List" By Bill Picture 09/21/04
Art Business By Alan Bamberger 09/19/04
SF Weekly "Night and Day" 08/18 – 24/04
The Examiner "The Hip List" By Bill Picture 08/07/04
San Francisco Magazine "The best of the Bay Area 2004" 07/08/04
Mercury News "Portraits of Java as a young program" 07/05/04
S.F. Chronicle "Swells" By Catherine Bigelow 06/06/04